The presentation of the results of the 2023 actions and the new workshops were held on 11 April 2024. 106 people gathered at the Hôtel de Bordeaux Métropole – including residents, tourism and events professionals, representatives of associations and public institutions – to discuss the objectives achieved and put forward their ideas for implementing the new metropolitan strategy.

80% of targets achieved in 2023

2023 was the second year of implementation of the metropolitan strategy for responsible tourism and events. 80% of the objectives set for the year were achieved.

The program to support the responsible transition of Bordeaux’s tourism offering (axis 1 of the roadmap) has reached 182 companies, particularly in the accommodation, activity and catering sectors. 60% of OTCBM member companies are now involved in a responsible approach. 

Actions aimed at local and inclusive tourism have continued to develop (axis 2 of the roadmap). New tools to help visitors with disabilities have been published, and the tourism and disability guide has been revamped. 450 people were able to benefit from solidarity tourism offers thanks to the Bordeaux Solid’Air program.

Bordeaux Tourism and Congress has reduced the amount of waste produced during the 2023 edition of Bordeaux Fête le Vin by 32% compared to the 2022 edition, among other actions in line with the event’s ISO 20121 certification. In addition, five regional sectors of excellence linked to the hosting of congresses have been promoted. The « Bordeaux Bienvenue » program has been developed to ensure a sustainable, high-quality welcome for business meetings (axis 3 of the roadmap)

Managing the economic development of tourism in a sustainable way (axis 4 of the roadmap) has resulted in the refocusing of promotional activities on local markets, in particular the European market, and the launch of four pilot projects to support innovative local solutions. 

Rethinking a business that adapts to changes in climate and society

A round-table discussion followed by workshops brought together 100 participants in the second half of the morning.

The introductory round-table discussion addressed climate change forecasts for Bordeaux Metropole and the resulting need to adapt the tourism and events sector. Forward-looking scenarios developed by ADN tourisme broadened the discussion to include the societal implications of these changes.

The workshops then gave participants the opportunity to project themselves into 2040 in a destination that has taken these changes into account, in order to imagine the new offers and stories that describe this new vision of travel. 

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