Agora Tourisme

Bordeaux Métropole and the Tourism and Convention Office are committed to a participatory governance to reinvent the practices of urban tourism and events. The Agora for Tourism in Bordeaux Métropole is an open space for sharing.

Find out about the vision and progress of the consultation, find information on tourism and events in the area, and contribute your opinions and ideas. Together, we can build the tourism of tomorrow on a more balanced basis for the benefit of all. 

Review of actions in 2023

After a successful first year, here's a look back at the actions taken in 2023 and the new co-construction workshops. In April 2024, 120 participants looked ahead to a tourism and events industry that has adapted to future changes in climate and society.

Metropolitan tourism strategy to 2026

During workshops involving a wide range of metropolitan audiences in 2021, 4 major themes emerged for a more responsible tourism and events activity.

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Your views

Regular surveys are conducted to ask residents and visitors about their perceptions of tourism

In the eyes of residents

In the eyes of visitors


Taking action

A participatory process has been launched to collectively reflect on the strategy for tourism and events for the coming years

Our vision
Exchanges of good practices
Votre rêve de tourisme pour demain

« Let’s create a symbiosis around tourism, between urban and plant life, visitors and residents, to promote living together »

Workshop participants

Charles Lavigne

Charles Lavigne

Ontario, Canada

« There is light at the end of this dark period shrouded by COVID. Why not follow this path in a more committed and responsible way? It’s an opportunity to move forward »

Workshop participants

Angela Smith

Houston, TX
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