Agora for Tourism in Bordeaux Métropole is a space dedicated to interactions and information on sustainable tourism in Bordeaux. As part of our informative and participative approach we would like to present to you, regularly, sustainable sprouts that have grown in Bordeaux’s soil.

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Les Autruches Utopistes
The association Les Autruches Utopistes created in 2019 is committed to the fight for zero waste. It communicates on the subject by denouncing behaviors that are harmful to the planet and promotes a way of life more respectful of the environnement. Their latest project, called De l’autre côté, is a 5–episode multimedia series. By using video, writing, drawing, speech and photography, the association hopes to reach a wide audience to defend its cause.
Vacances & familles
The Vacances & familles association promotes access to holidays for all and especially for families in precarious situations. The association gathers an ecosystem of volunteers and local employees in order to offer a diversity of services adapted to each family. In Gironde, it coordinates the departure of families elsewhere in France and the reception of families from all over the country.
Vacances & familles and the OTCBM are partners since 2020.

© Pexels

© Lorena Caniaux
SlowFest or how to combine music and preservation of the planet. This Bordeaux association works to set up more ecological means to distribute music. Composed of about twenty people, they also produce their own artists.
To stage their singers and DJ’s, SlowFest has many devices to create energy-efficient musical events. With its Biclou Sound System (bicycle emitting music thanks to the energy of its photovoltaic panels) or its Solar Stage (energetically autonomous sound and light system), the association puts its ecological touch in the world of music.
Servi en local
Nature and food lovers, this association is made for you. Servi en local is comitted to supplying Bordeaux restaurants with local products. Indeed, the members of the association connect farmers from micro-farms less than 50km from Bordeaux and chefs. Servi en local offers such services for a single goal: agriculture without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It contributes to « eat-well » while conveying a message in favor of the environment.

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Big Ensemble
The Big Ensemble association works on territories on a human scale (districts and villages). Themembers of the association act in favor of sustainable development but not only … access to local shops or access to culture are the subjects on which they also work. All their actions are realized with the participation of the citizens of these localities.
Big Nature is the association’s flagship project. By offering individuals and companies the opportunity to plant trees on agricultural land, it contributes to the transition of the agriculture which in the coming years will need to diversify its plantations. Faced with climate change, these trees are also intended to store the CO2 produced by humans.
If you have other sustainable initiatives in mind, please don’t hesitate to tell us about them in the form below. We will share them in a next edition of Sustainable Sprouts.
Learn more: Sustainable Sprouts in Nouvelle-Aquitaine region’s soil
You can also consult : Dreaming up the tourism of tomorrow